
beats by dre pro ntion to do evil poi

The ability is beaten Long ……"
Just sometimes the technical personnel isn't popular, and politics excels a technique forever and hear Liu Jing Xiao call, the staffs all fly to soon run, now is the good opportunity of form loyal, no matter how far it is, much favour all drills sickbed, even is white cultured this small company commanderses to all rush through.
He just thought into the sickroom drills, Liu Jing Xiao made toward Ma Kan of department a look in the eyes, right away was cultured to outside push toward the sickroom the white, said very stupidly in mouth:"This will have no you!There is no your position here!"
The white is cultured can be foolish as well at outside audit, immediately after take charge of Ma Kan and want to a line of guards, Liu Jing Xiao 1:00, get!Whole teacher battalion commander above full-time military officer 1 didn't pull, his condition was very heavy, talked voice light, so Guo Jun Qing sits and just and nearby replies and says Liu Jing Xiao:"We ate big Kui this time, the whole responsibilities all at me, is been responsible for by me ……"
The Class is more high, need a negative responsibility more small, this is the usual practice of Chinese officialdom, so one stem regiment the battalion commander all lower the head to say:"This time battle defeats, all is our wrong, please teacher should never attempt to self-reproach ……"
Now at present 17 teachers of 17 teachers is still his Liu Jing Xiao, everything all is still is made the decision by him, Liu Jing Xiao continues a people Xu:"Switch on electricity a whole country for me ……"
"Job from went into Lu, have no day need not heart cure a matter, in order to the Tai people Anne of country, anticipate bad people intention to do evil poison, actually proceed from my unexpected happening ……near smell D handsome to is harmed by traitor, more attackstone Lu with the rebel troops south, the mirror Xiao is almost untoward ……see a thief Qie according to Gao Wei now, build on stilts a president, treat congress as have no thing, consume national treasury with do a private soldier, thief outside but lead civil war, again with Wang Mou Du Lu ……long-last such, country won't country, mirror Xiao although the dint avoids conflict ……only can mourn a people to fell offense just now, send punitive expedition righteousness not ……"
Presume a public roll call pain to scold an iron people of, he is regarded as a northern soldier one person, is a southern soldier to also not definitely have this kind of courage, this is regarded as a just formal type to rise in revolt an insurrection.
"The mirror Xiao is subjected to a few heavy handsome great boon, really don't dare to mutually leave, heavy handsome have no son, the knee bottom only has a female, the mirror Xiao leads thousand odd in Shandong ten thousand people unanimously support and adore D quiet after allow provincial governor ……"
The segment iron people looking at this to switch on electricity, that facial expression is really whole Be getting greener, pull a long face along while not to talk, for a long time just someone notify to say:"The congress wants to ask a premier to congress explain for a while."
The Du soldier is similar to provincial governor Class, while the Du soldier be good at to kill provincial governor really and can calculate illegally, besides this can be treated as republican of bad precedent, the congress is also general mire bodhisattva, must make a noise a protest, besides and slowly again the Zheng really picked an inning and received the square and southern councilman brings about an unrest that pours Ge in the congress, the segment iron people is finally still metal gray face:"All of this are my ideas, the D heavy bandit has according to ……"
But how rehabilitate, segment iron people's the tallest clear idea:"My resignation be!"
But before Liu Jing Xiao's sickbed, there is a matter even more important than switching on electricity, listen to Liu Jing Xiao finish reading to switch on electricity, staff all consistent objection way:"Teacher!We all support and adore you and why the need for seek D quiet come to be provincial governor?"
Even the D rather also feels that the matter delivers suddenly and repeatedly doesn't already decline, Liu Jing Xiao need not Guo Jun Qing replies to say, oneself's one word a ground says:"The mirror Xiao is subjected to heavy handsome heavy boon, want to more look after naturally to her posterity!"
More look after?The D would rather not believe this kind of baloney and why the need for release a child to be placard!
Liu Jing Xiao's 17 teachers are a guest's soldier, although relating to with place is quite good, finally and the relation of place was thin, only relied on prestige that weighs at the D, so Liu Jing Xiao is simply to tee off this card, immediately after Liu Jing Xiao saw one eye and signaled hint him to come over,beats by dre pro, then said toward Li He Yi again:"Discommode Li Lyu Be getting longer!"
Follow and call to take charge of Ma Kan to come over, held to hold his hand, say with smile:"Congratulate on takes charge of chief horse!Like stem!"
Take charge of Ma Kan is a battalion commander now, Liu Jing Xiao calls that he is naturally to rise one class for chief, that nature rejoices with wild joy if crazy, his promote also is almost a miracle, one year ago he however is just only a company commander, unexpectedly promote a while now chief.
Immediately after Liu Jing Xiao one by one seeks to come to each camp battalion commander to offer congratulation and finally says to four chiefs:"I think around, four regiments how also not enough use"!
Four chief natures are pretty much glad, the subordinates all promoted, oneself also wanted to rise sharply an one step naturally, Liu Jing Xiao seems to come to spirit in the sickbed, surging not the hopeless situation say:"Now four regiments, waiting a meeting Ma Xia has to expand into four trips!"
Four jobs that chief's winning Li He Yi is only a part-time trip to grow, but is also a name just, Han Xin Hai has oneself's a small systems, for the rest chief that happy.
Now four regiments in addition to Han Xin Hai's regiment is three camps systems in addition to unit, all of rest troopses are two camps eight connect make of unit, so Liu Jing Xiao elaborated on his to expand a plait plan, with a camp of now four connect brigade for foundation, expand to weave to two camps six infantry regiments for connecting, hereafter again think a way to expand to weave into three camps nine connect, as for Han Xin Hai travels, because he originally possessed three camp 12 infantries connect, specially look after him to weave into two three camps nine connect make of infantry regiment.
By so doing, 17 teachers are extended to eight infantry regiments all of a sudden by four infantry regiments, as for lack the infantry of plait even, Liu Jing Xiao early has already intended as well and weighed from the Xiao Ma Xiong and D of took out to adjust to come up in public security troops, so lately old troops on matching a plait immediately can drag out a dozen, as for the deficiency vacancy of public security troops then method solution raised by gradually.
Plan to this, whole is a smiling face on the face of the staffs, just at the Xiao Ma Xiong because the framework troops is adjusted to walk, not very glad, throw bone still have to of, Liu Jing Xiao says:"Xiao old elder brother, trust!Your troops is still according to canning not draw up at first, raise of connect the brigade is from each county security corps in raise, to, heavy handsome since walk, his troops was also temporarily directed by old elder brother of Xiao!"
Deliver an officer to become rich an everyone pleasure, all staffs withdraw a sickroom front, to Liu Jing Xiao three bow a way:"With wish Jun total honor versus dishonor"
Only Liu Jing Xiao knows, this 17 teachers afraid of him to also controled not to live by himself now, so would rather make before they extend by oneself some bones to go out.

Chapter 29 authority reports

Astute decisions certainly again all someone is dissatisfied, sides is the decision that Liu Jing Xiao's headache cures a feet pain to cure feet, full of pent-up anger white cultured etc. Xiao such as the wave tie up on coming out ascend:"Trip long, you say to manage!With I what can not take part in, I am also in those early years certainly the old company commander of side soldier, the other people could arrive a meeting, he took charge of Ma Kan why didn't make me take part in ……"
The Xiao,such as wave, early dislikes white cultured, said a sentence very apathetically:"You seek a department Ma Kan to calculate Zhang!"
The white is cultured still deathless heart, pull Xiao,such as the hand of wave, to say:"This is clear is don't give me old the white the face!Trip long, you must take care of!"
Throwing his face didn't relate to, as long as didn't throw the Xiao goes such as the face of the wave itself, so the white is cultured at strategically as make him by himself says:The result of "is strategic judgment mistake, to the allied troops fight for dint not, cause to beat into war of attrition".
In addition to the white is cultured outside, Dr. Chen also very dissatisfied, this appoints to still have a lot of affairs to want from the full power processing of Liu Jing Xiao for a while, in satisfaction of everybody concerned remaining, so his sickroom person's bearer go toward, all is come to ask Liu Jing Xiao to do to make firm decision, result Liu Jing Xiao discover that Dr. Chen still really cringes, and takes today of the medicine eat than this half generation son of still have to be many.
Peking.Vinaceous Rosefinch military school.
The over Yan jade Zhuo Yan doesn't live a heartfelt infinite pleased idea and pulls frost of Yan Ao to connect a voice to ask a way:"Is the mirror Xiao really free?Really Be free?"
The Yan Ao frost surface not dew voice color, just the canthus shows unintentionally that infinite delight, possibly even slow:"The mirror Xiao beats a call to report and says to is to just suffer from some slight wounds, much a little more foolish dates wasn't in the way in the hospital!"
Over Yan jade Zhuo just thinking talk, but shockedly looking at from the inside come out come of settled a sound, small settle the sound didn't wear a monk to pack, didn't know from which make of a suit pack, last body joss-stick the shoulder all peep out and descend the skirts of body to almost expose small Related articles:

