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The brigade also thousand times strives and carried bayonet to hurtle up and treated to close to is a row row gun, immediately after Chen Yu takes up to put together bayonet.
This brigade Xiang soldier at deeply drunk at become rich of beautiful dream in, the everyone emulates to transport war booty, which anticipate suddenly to kill a group of enemieses' soldier, fight a to open as a result, although compare Liu Jun's number large several times, is a touch namely Kui, throw down war booty and parts of gun to rush backward.
Chen Yu Yi sees this feeling this view, is greatly satisfied, can not think of oneself lifetime several times with make less several services, he loudly calls a way:"With I last!"
These two connect a Xiang soldier backward Kui just stopped feet for a while very much, the chief was taking a camp is expeled in the behind, a hear the forward is beaten by a little amount enemy back,cheap beats by dre, can not scold a way:"Is all stupid person!"
Slightly the matter accepted to permit under back down of two connect, take a main force to start toward train station direction to assault afresh, Chen Yu is also that the member is old will, lent this opportunity to bear arms own impedimenta soldier, the warehouse managing person's whole amount, and then right on the spot looked for a battlefield of goodly defending.
He just prepare, founded a nation a Xiang soldier started conflict.
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Chapter 27 assists

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They go forward have no how long, meet violent holdout, left side of the warehouse coping burst upon the figure of enemy's soldier and relied on Gao Tai to launch intensive gunning.
One camp many people's standing on the felling that is attacked on the ground is a bullet,such as raindrop, to fall in, the military officer right away and right on the spot organizes gunning, is resided to eminence of Liu Jun to declination Xie thermodynamic power, founded a nation a Xiang soldier to also organize an intensive row gun gunning, often have soldier plop one turn over a body in the ground.
Rely on geography, the Chen Yu holdout organizes very and successfully and incredibly continued to beat back a Xiang soldier twice by very few troops, let the Xiang soldier die or injure several people, oneself his combat the personnel also leave more than 20 persons.
The Xiang soldier finally realizes that standing on the low place and enemy's soldier launches to shoot with each other is under the plan of bottom, accompany with commanding officer one make bottom, about an even brigade also from flank of the warehouse climbed to come up, this place of these warehouses be all connecting with each other, both parties narrow and small high set here on, launch vehemence of battle out a war.
Nearby Chen Yu leaves 34 soldiers, in front early stare at last he this wears aiguillette military officer, connect a voice to halloo:"Hand over a gun!Hand over a gun!"
Chen Yu shouts at top of voice"last!", Took this several survival well-known scholar soldiers to continue to kill up, the Xiang soldier as well called brave fierce generation, both parties fight together.
In this urgent juncture, the Xiang soldier after death rings out an intensive gun voice, Xiang soldier a while disorderly feet, especially after going into Gan add an in great quantities new soldier, these new soldier a see the rear be made a surprise attack, nervous jump down building, momentary the morale of troops is greatly disorderly.
Chen Yu nearby these ten several personal momentary the morale greatly flap and mix up before or after and abruptly connect this the Xiang soldier kept on beating, Chen Yu that is to connect a great way:" Must be good!Come well!"
Rush through come is connect in the city the guardianship of the west and part bear arms of impedimenta soldier, when they rush through to it where have a gun voice to rush through where, this just saved Chen Yu urgently.
Being just war situation to is still is thousand times urgent, even if the soldier who has never wounded adds together and gather is also more than 130 persons, but found a nation a Xiang soldier only throw in the troops here has already had 67100 people, and will get a support at any time.
But found a nation a Xiang soldier a few aggressions don't fruit, loss of the troops added up to about have 1 to connect, Liu Jun on the contrary increased troops, the morale can not be subjected to of one Cuo, can not carry on accepting to permit a sorting to carry on.
Next time take the offensive scale larger, found a nation Xiang soldier at or so two each devotion of wings 1 connect, and then send a connect the brigade outflank and attack in the side wing, just each troops be in conjunction with not enough, the left wing move, right wing motionless, right wing motionless, frontal attack of time, outflank and attack troops motionless, outflank and attack troops move, frontal attack again motionless, this just make Chen Yu Zuo Tu right blunt, took these more than 100 well-known scholars soldier to beat a Xiang soldier to go out.
Xiang soldier this loss is larger, 1 time loses nearly a troops for connecting, even connect the corpse of government troops don't rob down as well, took the battalion commander of brigade to see 1 time and then die so much good brothers, can not help towarding an enemy soldier battlefield to cry bitterly to make a noise.
By this time, the main force that founds a nation a Xiang soldier has already opened to go into the city and controls greater half southern Chang city and pays to get too much, the only vigorous holdout met is organized by Chen Yu.
Commander in chief's wood settles after making, not value, right away order again organize an aggression to eliminate enemy's soldier thoroughly.
Xiang soldier because rush through urgently, the artillery far and far pulled in the rear, this aggression on the whole is use artillery up, after accompanying with bombarding of artillery, the infantry starts organizing into cannon and is still that regiment is organizing progress, however the rest troops that adjusts to last time don't exert three wars this time, the total troops has more than 1,000 persons around, but the troops of Lin Yu's subordinate already only 100 people don't arrive.
However the step cannon of the Xiang soldier is in conjunction with to organize not and successfully, the infantry has been waiting until thick smoke to spread to arrive to just start taking the offensive and be dressed in the aggression route of the Xiang soldier of long grass shoe rain hat be seen by Chen Yu clear.
"Open fire!"Accompany with roaring of Chen Yu, guarded a soldier to continue to carry on two shoot, tipped over many Xiangs of soldier, made an a few indentations in the form at the Xiang troops, only the Xiang soldier pickeds up sheep building this time the department again and again assaults of strength head, it isn't and desperate to start to make military officer to take the trifle that the brigade assaults unexpectedly.
Chen Yu readies to a great deal of hand grenade to prepare to hit to pour them, just this opportunity can't have forever.
The train of roaring and shouting hasn't stopped steady, on the train have already jumped down big brigade soldier, a side shot for launching a fierce attack the Xiang soldier shot Kui, Gan soldier the first teacher come to south Chang to beat the troops of advance guard to finally arrive.
The Xiang soldier keeps one to hurt but not Kui, however the regiment that founds a nation a Xiang soldier at last harmed vitality, the attack in this day reduces a member to reach to more than 300 persons, reinforcement and guard soldier rendezvous, Chen Yu right away holds tight a soldier to ask a way:"Who is your commanding officer ?I am the headquarters army supplies director general Chen Yu's lieutenant general of allied troops, please obey me in command of!"
What to come is a Gan soldier first teacher of a first head camp, from a vice- chief, a hear that director general Chen Yu is here lead more than 100 persons impedimenta the personnel defeated a Xiang soldier of more than ten aggressions, hurriedly run a report, absolutely mean to obey Chen Yu.
The Gan soldier first teacher is standard allied troops soldier in the province to draw up, the each regiment is about 2,000 people, and commander's headquarters and keep belonging to troops, the whole teacherses are about 8,000 people, this first the head camp is totally that strengthen a camp and have 800 people generally, is receive order into south Chang of first head brigade.
River tide brush-off allied troops inbound, therefore although this camp is beating protection at south the Chang Tun gather army supplies supplies come of, all the way and since then but the troops preparation and river's tiding at any time conflict and treat the time of closing to the train station, on a train, listens to the arms and supplies voice ring into one, right away parking launch.
Chen Yu is in those early years certainly side famous general in soldier, that vice- chief connected a voice to say:"There is director general Chen that direct us, I trusted!If isn't a director general, you take these 100 brothers crest lived is several thousand enemy soldier of more than ten times lay siege to, we this camp will cast away here!There is director general Chen now, which afraid is come to 10,000 Xiang soldiers again all not afraid!"
Chen Yu's in the mind basically has no a bottom, he inwardly wishes:"The Xiang soldier that comes now perhaps isn't 10,000 people, have 15,000 people at least!We this Gu soldier exactly can insist how long ……we this of troops, connect 1,000 people don't arrive ……"
The train station business is busy, guest's discharge biggest, therefore establish postal service in the neighborhood a , and do telegram exchange, Chen Yu right away sends a person into postal service strong line of detained a telegraph operator, and deliver toward allied troops' headquarters Related articles:

