
google ears after the Chin

I think that the stability of needing to keep the Long mountain main actors of one troupe is still.The "river's secretary deeply says that" main actors of one troupe candidate had better produce in the actors of one troupe in nowadays."
"Since there is candidate's scope, I ain't a lot of to talk, my daughter also in that actors of one troupe."The plentiful secretary roars with laughter of, " I absolutely support river's secretary."
River's secretary in fact also just makes a phone call to mean relating to of 2 people over hard, obtain support of plentiful secretary just.On the officialdom, some affairs, look a telephone just, but want to express of thing go to is telephone back of recessiveness contents.
On the second day, in the city often Wei meeting up, very quick passed the actors of one troupe of Long mountain.Huang Yin Hai allows county Wei secretary, plentiful extremely county magistrate Ya Ren Dai.City Wei and the match of city hall are surprising of have never had objection ground to adopt resolution well.
Moreover, originally of county public security official's bureau chief thank Wei just and also got promoted and served as a county government method Wei secretary, county Wei often Wei.
The new actors of one troupe constitutes, the Long mountain county immediately had some kind of new atmospheres.The entrepreneurs in the county, hear plentiful extremely the friendship contemporaried county magistrate, the secret worry in the heart to the utmost goes and starts a new investment.
Is plentiful extremely friendship the first matter that wants to do is the investigation activity that prepares provincial governor wood, this is also the work of this most important a period of time in the city hall.
"Is the plentiful county magistrate congratulating you?"
Is happy the son also knew in momentary plentiful extremely friendship be up generation county magistrate, smile happily ground to open fun.
"Congratulate your ghost skull."Is plentiful extremely friendship with full intention of happy, " you hurriedly arrive county government, I occupy to seek you."
"What matter, ha ha."
"Make you come to come right away, which have so many titles?"Is extremely plentiful friendship also joy ha ha, " No.18 provincial governor wood wants to investigate and come over a company quantity how receive him."
"This, you county government the company measured and then wented."Happy son is still on paying jocose tone, " this is the time of ability that tests your this new county magistrate."
"I saw you are to don't want to live and limited you to rush through to come over in an hour."
The happy son smiled 2.He in fact in the county city, six small loose, remaining dream is blue also at, study the development direction that the building opens company, and hereafter several years of development great strategy.
The real estate development isn't the key item that enjoys son, the key item is the extension of cement works.He has already worked well a loan plan and also seeks an agriculture to go to grow.Although the number of loan is huge, now, enjoy son and the on good terms news of provincial governor wood to get abroad in the county, and his business enterprise liabilities rate don't arrive 30%, the prestige is good, this loan has no problem.
Certainly, the Qian rule of the loan is happy son is understand, should take out a hand, he can't skins a flint,Facebook, either.Greatly did to arrive for a time, as long as canning have five years stable period, he will truely become government don't dare as well the capitalist of small lo.Once the extension engineering of cement works completes and gets hold of the qualified certificate of national rules, he will again without cares at home.
Then, develop snake Wang Gu with Lin Xiong.
He has to now with six small loose remaining dream is blue, there is no way,google, plentiful extremely Ya Rang arrive to county government to go, he must go.
Enter plentiful extremely graceful office, inside in the office only have plentiful extremely friendship and her secretary.See a joy son arrival, the secretary went out for he make cup tea, .
"When county magistrate, satisfied not?"
The happy son smiles happily.
"Is certainly satisfied, you carefully order, don't make me get hold of your hold."
"I have what hold do you take?"
The happy son is a bit startled.
"Ah, you don't be the blind person to me.Is the Xiao Li in"is plentiful extremely the friendship carry cup to sit to his nearby, " what is the row?"
"Xiao Li there is no matter?"The happy son sees no one and hug her waist, " she is the finance minister that makes a pharmaceutical factory now, my dint under charge."
"Can't become your bed up of get dint assistant?"Is plentiful extremely friendship smile don't smile, " Hey Hey, I measure with Li Ying Shang like, etc. Li Ying Chu the month come back,cnn, we again go to and Luo the silver joss-stick make agreement, if and someone joins us this household, you carefully order son!"
"How can?Absolutely can't."
The happy son letter tells Shi Dan Dan.
"Do you know, my old daddy has already known our affairs."Is plentiful extremely the friendship didn't smile, " he wants me to beat a kid and severs diplomatic relations with you."
"Beat a kid?That you ……"
"The kid can't beat, however ……" is plentiful extremely graceful smile don't smile, "sever diplomatic relations with you me to promise."
"How does this go?You how willing to give up sever diplomatic relations with me?"
"If you express well, I will very good consideration, if is not good, that had to sever diplomatic relations."Is plentiful extremely Ya Luo Luo's ground smile, " sees now you in receiving provincial governor wood's affair how sign, if can not receive well, that isn't coming to seek me."
"Wife's adult, you how cruel heart."The happy son hugs she more tightly, " stops worrying, these several days I fix to go a snake Wang Gu and give the provincial governor adult the mountain spring for making a few snake Wang Gu, again make some snake Wang Gu's fish, promise to let the provincial governor adult feel happy a satisfaction.Wife's adult waits to promote."
"Go to snake Wang Gu?"
"Don't go, that is too dangerous."
"Stop worrying."The happy son lightly smiles, " you want to go, we go to and wash a mandarin duck bath in hot springs together.The promising you is very safe."
"Falsely through of guy, see I tidy up you not!"
Happy the son send out one to bellow, on quilt of waist ruthlessly choked for a while.

The text chapter 317 peaceful times time
Renew time:2010-3-111:05:19 chapter word numbers:5813

Six years after, the Chinese New Year eve in 2009.Provincial governor wood in past, secretary wood(south province Wei secretary in the province) in nowadays, in the Shao rather city and Long mountain county leadership of accompany under, is inspecting an investigation in the Long mountain.
30 but the sand joy for signing son, keep company with at secretary wood nearby.At this time of he is so still a sunlight vigor, just more steady heavy mature, at a province of Wei in the province secretary of nearby, also seem to be Gao Da Dun Dan settle.His flank, is have already become Shao city rather the mayor is plentiful extremely graceful, provincial governor wood of another part, is original mayoral〃 Huang Kun Yuan, the city Wei of now secretary.
Huang Yin Hai also at accompany of row, he is still the leader of class of the Long mountain leadership actors of one troupe, with his just can, county Wei secretary this job is already most highest point, follow behind at him after death of is once was a plentiful secretary secretary of original double of party Wei secretary in bridges town Luo Jade Mountain, incumbent Long mountain county magistrate Xuan.
The car brigade is from the Shao rather the city set out and go straight to Long mountain.Behind follow long long of the reporter's car brigade.
Secretary wood's inspecting an investigation first station is a pottery sand village in a pair of bridges town.Double bridge town now is all save well-known 100000000 dollars town.Most well-known of is here of keep snake industry and building materials industry.Kept a snake industry to almost overaly whole townses, the peasant household keeps snake to reach to above 70% and formed big industry.The cement works day yield that enjoys son comes to a 6,000 tons, originally of the brickyard promote a new technique, the mineral Cha system brick, the building remnant system brick of city became to make the key item of brick here.
However, secretary wood mainly what to observe BE.The village here constucts.From get into a pair of bridges, have already seen a new farmer small village, uniformly of bride chamber programming well regulated, the house shape is uniform.
The car brigade didn't stop over in the double bridge town.At this time.Of double the bridge town have already become a small town, the scale is already that the triple in past is above, there is the high building of 18 F.
Once wore a double bridge town, the car brigade opens toward pottery sand village.The country road in nowadays is already a whole cement road.Was pottery sand village in less than ten minutes.
The car brigade stopped in the village Wei will outside of in the square.The village Wei will be already.Overhaul, the building of an Eurasia type of five house buildings inside, have already been getting more modernization.In addition to board room, the inside also has various ability room, such as library, reading room, athletics fitness center and ping-pong room ……
The village master of happy son still a pottery sand village, pottery secretary also still secretary.Now.Village Wei will the subordinate unit is more, various industries in the village are all Related articles:

