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Have assembled here ready ,both allied forces together, a total of more than 800 ships, can say this time is almost all navy force concentrated daikin .relationresultWanyan clan long reach the mountain, immediately called the Navy brought to his ship .
This time from a sea raid is to complete the Yan long will ,but he is not proficient in warship combat on the battle ,or mainly by Su Baoheng and with natural history for tower of the Navy Command ,the other major generals have Canyon ,which ,to the right speed Litanda ,Zou Huan ,Tang ,Lu Zhong Xiong ,Bi Rui ,Murong Yanda et al ,most of them are Han Chinese ,because in combat water ,Han people than did female immortal .
relationresultButin the song as a territory of land ,will start land attack ,thus Wanyan long side with Guo shrimp not the deputy, in addition to Huining temple three generation disciple in two great disciples stone with Yanshan and Pu Atong ,the other disciples in eight ,surgery ,Hampshire ,Hanle Ming ,thorn to waste ,Shao Fang Jie ,Wu Ting supporting red ,high Linfu ,mostly hill ,Shang liang .
relationresultOnly this time, Wanyan long to each of the other main navy commander announces this one action . After listening, some at a loss ,some be frightened and change color ,some tread ,also somebody be on tenterhooks ,in short all kinds of state of mind of the people have .
Because of this news is too sudden, and former Navy in Daikin always belong to be of little status ,not only far inferior to the cavalry ,infantry and even less, this time suddenly to assume this important task, they all of a sudden but to turn to .
There is also the heart, the navy strength have been far stronger than gold ,this time from the Sea Raiders ,to succeed ?Have a bit inadvertent ,there will be the risk of the army review .
relationresultWanyan long waited for a while ,let the people to digest what he said just now battle plan ,this before: generals ,we use the proven ,the Haizhou navy has largely transferred to the South and subjugation ,fear ,now we can just use Haizhou empty ,one from the Sea Raiders ,toward Ling .
But I Daikin flat and the Southern Song Dynasty, unified the world, create the great achievement ,you will be a great tribute to ,later will become the golden rule all the land a candidate will be ,.
, relationresultThe public will hear Haizhou guard empty ,it assured many ,but also heard the finished behind Yan Changzhi ,each one ,be eager for a fight ,waiting to start .relationresultWanyan long immediately ordered all ships ,will be divided into two teams, and Su Baoheng ,and natural history for tower lead 600 ships for former team ,mainly to carry a variety of weapons and battle ,the naval battle ,left to right ,Litanda and two people ,led two hundred ships after team ,mainly carrying on land soldiers and horses, and other supplies .
But gold defeated the song Navy ,after the team immediately catch the battalion fleet ,together to raid the territory .relationresultThe very next day golden emperor Wanyan Yong also personally to the clan mountain ,and meet the army generals, to be encouraged ,and prepared the royal feast, for the Navy .
The pyramid of the battle, the navy was the first time such attention .Navy morale ,immediately referred to the highest point .Http:/// , relationresultThe two marine assault 1 , relationresultTwo days later ,the Jin army convoy pioneer arrival of Rizhao sea near .
relationresultGolden song two maritime border division is very vague ,not far from the land so no clear-cut .Li Bao was stationed in the county of Haizhou ,in general ,the patrol boats will not enter the county thirty miles distance ,song of the sentry ships also does not cross the sea to the north of sunshine .
Donghai Gumijuri in the sunshine sea within section of the waters is both the default within a buffer zone ,the song two small patrol ships in this area to meet, generally not fighting, are the basic itself, independent .
When I conflict, also won catch this section area .relationresultSo now the Jin army fleet arrived by sea to sunshine ,if continue ,will enter for picket ship inspection range ,then may at any time and for ships encounter .
relationresultWanyan long though ,the East China Sea Fleet stationed Song Jun were moved nearly half of the vessel, but still not to the effect ,to know that this time his face is the famous song dynasty Li Bao ,who was Yue Fei will ,and later in the Han Shizhong men to use ,in this two hand has been reused ,but also Li Bao himself also proficient in battle ,eight years ago ,when the rule of southern ,Li Baoceng led one hundred and twenty ships, three thousand crossbowman north, in Chen Jiadao near the sea smashed the Jin army ,burning gold army warship 500 ship ,captured more than three thousand people ,occupy said that the fire had burned at sea four days does not extinguish .
And now for ships ,water equipment and water war experience was strong in the Golden Army ,but also in the sea won victories against the Jin army, morale and confidence in the Jin army ,although less for ship ,but never underestimate the enemy .
relationresultSo that the Jin army ships anchored in Rizhao sea ,Wanyan long Su Baoheng ,and natural history for the tower and a target together to discuss on the song ,operational planning .
relationresultSu Baoheng as a Navy actual command ,has long been considered the Jin Army Tactical problems ,thus spoke first : Wanyan adults ,your humble servant thought ,although the US warships ,but not Song Jun ,and Song Jun is fine ,but the ship is too little,Beats Solo HD, but after Song Jun Ceng Yuhai repeatedly wins I Jinshui teachers there will be a proud ,correcting heart .
Therefore I think ,can be divided into two groups of ships ,to let a small part of feint to warships ,meets Song Jun ,slight contact ,immediately fled ,cheap dr dre beats,and Song Jun saw us warship is not much, will relax your vigilance ,bold pursuit, then we will focus on the main fleet ,the meaning ,the short Song Jun a deal a frontal attack ,Song Jun can beat navy .
, relationresultWanyan long after ,nodded ,and said: the Soviet controlled this way is good ,I see now that I naval ships ,you can once again into the first part of ships ,large range of both left and right turn to ambush .
Song Jun and chase us diversionary fleet ,but the main fleet ,inevitable and flawless dance challenge ,about the other ,then we all get around two fleet ,from the rear side bag super Song Jun ,Song Jun will play a certain can be taken by surprise ,total wins .
, relationresultSu Baoheng nodded ,: say rational ,this plan is good . , relationresultWith natural history for tower is a frown ,: plan is good ,but this plan to be successful ,must match between teams ,or back on defense or attack ,attack ,or not ,was wrong .
But the sea communication convenience than land ,think to do scheduling method ,but not easily ,have a bit inadvertent ,http://www.beatsbydrinus.com,ulnar fear will self-defeating ,not only can song ,it will be for each .
, relationresultWanyan long and Su Baoheng listened to ,have to admit and natural history for the tower are right, in sea communication ,is far less land facilities, although a semaphore contact ,but people ,even in the sunny day ,also can see six or seven miles long ,such as the end face of such deep skill ,look sharp ,vision is unlikely to exceed ten miles by boat to return ,and faithfulness in too slow ,easy Yue mistakenly fighter .
Therefore it is an extremely difficult to handle the problem. , relationresultThen a swan suddenly said: you look so is feasible ,in the fleet ,every one or two miles distance located around the vessel, all information is delivered as a beacon ,a ship passed back ,can be solved .
, relationresultWanyan long laugh ,said: this is a first main ,such as foot victory song ,first master plan when led power . , relationresultSu Baoheng and natural history with begging tower also nods ,think pieces and advice is feasible .
The present and immediately detailed plan, decide with natural history for tower of one hundred and twenty ships also pioneer ,lure for fleet battle song ,encountered small shares of fleet will destroy it, if the team posed for fleet ,rout ,introducing its main fleet near .
And once met Song Jun main ,immediately sent messages to the right ,by Zou Huan ,two people each with eighty ships, from both sides turn back the main fleet Song Jun rear side ,destroy Song Jun . Related articles:

