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.Oneself in fact also just wants to try him to own feelings, although the previous in the mind has already contained bottom,still done so.A women seek a sincerely love his/her own person not easy, these are also just small to smallly sound out.But when he approval he's request for doing not hestitate, an in the mind still an abnormality is touched, oneself two year, the one-sided love also at last had a satisfactory final outcome.Want to call the husband's felling, the in the mind is a burst of sweet, walk while touching next face, also have some hair hot, call husband, is not so difficult either?
The big trillion is taking car key, prepare to get on the car, see Wang Feng smiling all over, say:"What matter, happy become so?"
"Be free, picked up a wife, certainly Be getting more happy."Wang Feng stirs big trillion.
"You pull, is the wife it being casually that can pick up?That shines on you to say so, you can pick up, I can also pick up."The big trillion says.
"You, that you pick up a , the elder brother's wife beats you of time, never seek me to pull."Wang Feng says with smile.
At this time, the ice outside walks into yard from the door and see 2 people joke, ask:"Smile what, so hidden."
The big trillion is like solid explaination:"Wang Feng just says that he picks up a wife, is naturally rolling on the floor laughing, I say that I also pick up a , he says that my wife beats me, he doesn't pull, ha ha.This matter."
The ice is one Zheng, say:"How now wife also the ability literally picked up, how didn't I hear?"
"It is said that you can pick up, ha ha."The big trillion quickly escaped to get on the car,www.buybeatsbydrdreheadphone.com, so as not to drive powder boxing the pain is flat.
Ice to don't notice his/her own ill-chosen expression, oneself was a woman how pick up a wife?See the big trillion flee to get on the car, just know own words contain problem.Said a sentence"you are these two guys, seek a dozen?" Rushed big trillion to come, the car of big trillion had already fled to go out at this time.
"How to flee again car?"Wang Feng asks.
"Be free, the accelerator didn't control well, can not also flee several times."The big trillion says."Finally flee for an hour, also the took a rest."
Wang Feng smiled, the big trillion came to 1:"This time block up front door?"
"You block up, I jump a car before coming in."Wang Feng formally says.
"That which go, have no you I don't dare as well."The big trillion says with smile.
"Have me you don't dare as well, this time matter you drive, ha ha."Wang Feng looking at big trillion to smile.
"Hey, I how open last, not to, car key is you take out of."The big trillion innocently says.
"While answering the phone, I gave you."Wang Feng says.
", I forgot."After, the fun's big trillion starts with concentration driving.
The chapter 59 wife rises a job
The suburban area gets into downtown and particularly is going into the district of city and is like the bottleneck position of getting into the bottle, vehicle a several come, the car also becomes slow-moving naturally.Their cars also follow a car to flow, slowly drive in the behind snail sort and there is no some temper.
20 several minuteses just arrive branch office.Is in view of the fact to all in advance settle a good affair, so the business that changes a car, very quick fix.At prepare to return to return of time, Wang Feng receives to take care of the telephone that the four seas beats.
He then walks to the part to connect to listen to, take care of the four seas to say that he has already chosen the address of liking the company and prepares to start recruiting a person, but the contact registers of the matter may bother.
Wang Feng tells him:"Register of matter you need not worry and save the Department of Taxation seeks me an elder brothers, he calls Xiao strong, telephone you record for a while."Then speak Xiao strong cellular phone number, wait tube the four seas to finish recording and continued to give an account."He will help you finish doing other any procedures, certainly, demand of money, a short while I beat in numbered account for you.Don't say to is what I invest, hereafter to who don't say to is me, understand?"
"H'm, understand, I tomorrow seek him."The tube the four seas says.
"The mansion of company had better directly buy down, can reduce many rents annually.These money can do many matters."Wang Feng feels the house can buy down, had better buy down and also was regarded as fixed assets.
"Can measure by company, but I must seek an expert and talk this matter."The tube the four seas says.
"Take your finance director general the small Fang go to, she is very experienced.Talk about to calculate Zhang, who also calculate however hers.Before talking, you give° the detailed data of this real estate company her to see, she will have way to buy this house property of."Wang Feng pretty much believes the ability of small Fang, this girl's calculation ability, absolutely can compare a calculator.And the set sets up this company, she wants to participate in of, is also record of events to toughen to her.USD 100,000,000 isn't a small matter, invest him not experienced, but the small Fang is the person whom oneself becomes intimate with, some affairs can notify to oneself in time, so as not to after taking care of the whole world mistake, again don't save a leeway.
Then make a phone call for small Fang:"Small Fang, I prepare to establish an investment company recently, the old total candidate has already had, the address of company also finds out, my opinion is direct to buy that building down, concrete matter you make the person of tube the four seas contact with one, he is running some procedures, you also the whole distanceses get involved, management ascend him to take idea, funds and finance, you are responsible for.My a short while goes toward beat in an in your card is USD 100000000, the legal person representative of this company was you.The recent study computer lay particular emphasis on to manage aspect at the finance, the car does how?"
The small Fang finishes listenning to and just know to is the business that opens company, although have a little hair to receive, still happy of promise down.Then speak of in the morning a circumstance of doing the car, she says very in detail, very excited.Wang Feng this just knows, this girl studies the last sky of, absolutely can describe with the remarkable talent.She does the progress of car, all teach her coach surprised Be getting more foolish, a teach the student of meeting not is have no, but the study speed of the small Fang has already outrun the imagination of coach.Learn the progress of car according to her, the coach says to use several days, she can take part in to drive examining of technical ability.
Wang Feng is also happy for the progress of small Fang, this girl is a piece of treasure that he or she picks up, an ability person of high intelligence quotient.A piece learns a thus good person, will learning the finance be difficult?Thought of here, smile.
"Pick up a wife again?"The big trillion plays trick to say.
"BE, this is still small, must develop a period of time.Leave, time return to, I open and see this car function how."Wang Feng says.
The big trillion passes the car key to Wang Feng:"I know you say so, give you."
"Set out."2 people got on the car and drove car a branch office.
At a bank, Wang Feng went toward to turn an in the card of small Fang is USD 100000000, bank, get on the car, drive car quickly, even shout big trillions way:"Brothers, slowly, I the possible heart isn't so good recently.Have an accident, you have to be responsible for."
"Have no a matter, sit properly you."The car continues to made good time."Drive new car, great!"
"You are to be getting greater, I can encounter offense."Big trillion in mind Dao Gu 1.
Is numb beautiful sit in the office, browse his/her own document and clip on the public security official's net, see the upper grade organization and have and deliver a text, in brief sweep and see for a while, is treating and doing a piece and finding out a document in one column, after ordering and opening, is a notice that investigates aspect, this matter has already finished carrying out, carry on a processing, then return to the legal system.After the processing in time, immediately after see a this.
The branch office legal system section contains a four section staffs to section chief, hasn't been going together with minor course long, this is also the special place of legal system section.Is numb beautiful to divide branch office several years already, the work of this section room, say at the whole branch officeses, is a most busy section.Once favour gets up, all have the feet the felling for beating back part of skull.The legal system section is mainly responsible for the legal system to contract for job the case to branch office to examine a direct job and is responsible for the reviewing indictment of branch office criminal case.Organize administration to enforce the law to listen to a certificate, labor to bring up examining of case to report, carry on the legal system of case to guard a pass.Contract for job to enforce the law an investigation, collections, tidy up the grass-roots section relevant law, laws regulation system and norm document investigation to sign, change, discard the suggestion or opinion of etc..Still need to be subjected to a branch office leadership to entrust to participate in a civil case, administration litigation activity.Combine a match Related articles:

